
My name is Tiya. I'm 26 years old and live in a small town in Pennsylvania with my husband and our two cats, Alice and Grayce. 

I of course love beauty, which is why I started this blog. My mom worked for a makeup company when I was very young, which I loved experimenting with. A lot in my life has changed, but playing with makeup hasn't. I hope it never does. 

I studied writing at university. I feel like I always write less than I should – a fine reason to blog. When I actually out my mind to it, I write short fiction and poetry (also, this blog content!).

On a daily basis, I make about 4-5 cups of tea for myself, and they're usually cold at half empty. I am camera shy and feel most comfortable in black clothing. If you're at all into Myers-Briggs types, I'm an ISTJ

Since childhood, my favourite instrument has been the harp; they are gorgeous and mesmerizing, and I wish I knew how to play one. 

I am extremely finicky with my reading material. If I'm reading a large book, I tend to read huge sections in one sitting, and then set it down for weeks before going back to it. I'm not sure why, but I think it may be the fact that I'm an internal processor. 
I'm truly thankful that you stopped by, and hope you'll visit again soon! 
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