The Blog

There was this one day when I was sitting at the coffee table in my living room (it's actually where I do my makeup every morning) when I thought about creating a blog. It was actually after I had photographed some of my makeup that the idea came into mind, and it wasn't the first time either. 

Truthfully, I wanted to start a beauty (maybe lifestyle) blog for a while; months, at least a year or so. I love makeup, and I love to write. I really should write much more than I do. I had blogged in the past and never kept up with it. It takes incredible work ethic to blog regularly, especially when life is simple, and sometimes feels as if there's nothing of interest to offer to anyone.

I wanted to do something like that again. I'm not new to blogging or makeup, but I have never combined the two, and I have a feeling it will be like exploring new city with an old friend.

Consider this corner on the web picking up where I left off, too long ago. 
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